Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why all movies suck after 4 am

Last night, sitting at the hospital cafeteria while doing the whole night-watch thing for Dad (who is fine and at least better rested than I am), I was treated to a really, really late (or early) showing of Rob Zombie's "Halloween". Now, I have absolutely nothing again Mr. Zombie (Really?, well, okay), other than maybe I consider him the creep I hope no one love or even just know stumbles upon someday in the middle of a dark, lonely road. Having said that, in the words of Master Ebert, his movie sucks. It really, really does. And I know I that the whole point of this rant is to say that maybe all movies suck after 4 am, when you know you have to be at work in four hours, but still have to wait for your brother, who is happily snuggling next to his honey while you are sitting in one of those extremely uncomfortable hospital chairs, but honestly Rob Zombie's remake of "Halloween" makes an extra effort to suck and achieve suckability levels seldomly seen by hospital Zeds barey kept awake by sheer force of will and the nice people of Starbucks who make that mediocre, overpriced but super strong coffee. That movie is not scary, is not gross in any intentional way, it will not keep you awake at night (and I'm not like a big horror fan; seriously, I got scared when I found out what Jennifer Love Hewitt had been doing that summer in japan, e.g. being a kawaii pop star) and most importantly it doesn't even feature enough of the one thing it had going for it, namely, Sherry Moon-Zombie (Who could do so much better it sort of hurts when you think about it for more than a few seconds). So don't watch that movie, unless you want to, and really, some people are just like that. They will smell the moldy milk even after you specifically have told them that "Dude, that milk is so not something you want to smell. The green bits are smell exactly the opposite of a fresh summer day. Which will be a hot summer night during which a rotting corpse has been festering. Really, dude. Throw it away. Don't, like smell it."

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